Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (RPNIs) encompass neurotized muscle grafts employed for the purpose of amplifying peripheral nerve electrical signaling. The aim of this investigation was to undertake an analysis of the extant literature concerning animal models utilized in the context of RPNIs. A systematic review of the literature of RPNI techniques in animal models was performed in line with the PRISMA statement using the MEDLINE/PubMed and Embase databases from January 1970 to September 2023. Within the compilation of one hundred and four articles employing the RPNI technique, a subset of thirty-five were conducted using animal models across six distinct institutions. The majority (91%) of these studies were performed on murine models, while the remaining (9%) were conducted employing macaque models. The most frequently employed anatomical components in the construction of the RPNIs were the common peroneal nerve and the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Through various histological techniques, robust neoangiogenesis and axonal regeneration were evidenced. Functionally, the RPNIs demonstrated the capability to discern, record, and amplify action potentials, a competence that exhibited commendable long-term stability. Different RPNI animal models have been replicated across different studies. Histological, neurophysiological, and functional analyses are summarized to be used in future studies.
Spanish layman's summary:
Las interfaces nerviosas periféricas regenerativas (RPNI) mejoran la señalización nerviosa mediante injertos musculares neurotizados. Una revisión sistemática identificó 35 estudios de modelos animales, predominantemente con modelos murinos (91%) y macacos (9%). Las RPNI mostraron una sólida neoangiogénesis, regeneración axonal y amplificación estable del potencial de acción, lo que pone de relieve su potencial traslacional y orienta futuras investigaciones.
English layman's summary:
Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (RPNIs) enhance nerve signaling using neurotized muscle grafts. A systematic review identified 35 animal model studies, predominantly using murine models (91%) and macaque models (9%). RPNIs exhibited robust neoangiogenesis, axonal regeneration, and stable action potential amplification, highlighting their translational potential and guiding future research.
Keywords: Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (RPNIs); animal models; Inlay-RPNI; Burrito-RPNI; neuroma prevention; myoelectric prostheses; systematic review
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 4,900 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: January 2024.
Published on-line: January 2024.
J. González-Prieto, L. Cristóbal, M. Arenillas, R. Giannetti, J.D. Muñoz Frías, E. Alonso, E. Sanz Barbero, A. Gutiérrez-Pecharromán, F. Díaz Montero, A.A. Maldonado, Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (RPNIs) in animal models and their applications: a systematic review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 25, nº. 2, pp. 1141-1 - 1141-18, January 2024. [Online: January 2024]